At the first, we were building GoHajj platform in YII2 platform. Where it has a solid user base, we want to revamp the engine and utilize another platform for a...
I remember the first time, Enterkode team asked me to visit the batik factory. It was quite a surprise since, the team has shown a genuine interest in understanding our...
Perkenalan saya dengan Ipung (Enterkode Founder) bermula perkenalan kreatif. Dari gagasan langsung implementatif. Begitulah Ipung. Kawan yang tak cuma melayang-layang hanya pada gagasan. Ipung sosok yang berani dan kreatif, terutama...
Pembuatan moloka lye calculator termasuk cukup ok. Team nya cepat nangkap skema kerja dan purpose dari apps ini. Design no complaint sama sekali